If you've ever thought about joining a CSA, the Poughkeepsie Farm Project has a few spots open for the 2017 season and here's why you should grab one.
There are a couple of things that make this CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture) different.
First of all, you get to choose what you want each week.
There's a board that tells you what the options are that week and how much of each you get. It's usually 5 different things for a small share and 10 for a large one.

If you're like me and hate beets, they only have to end up in your bag if you're trying to be nice to your husband.
If you want to have zucchini every week in the summer, you can do that too. Up to you.
The second great difference is that they offer additional pick-your-own options.
Early on there are strawberries, followed by blueberries with raspberries closing the season.
Besides the berries, there are always herbs--basil, cilantro, chives, dill and some less familiar herbs to pick.
Throughout the summer you can also pick a weekly small bouquet of flowers to add to your bounty.

If you're like Janet and love peas, they're usually available to pick in season, with cherry tomatoes and all sorts of peppers and chiles coming later in the year.
You also have your choice of pick-up days--Tuesday evenings or Saturday mornings, so choose whichever is the most convenient for you. The farm is located on the Vassar campus, just off of Raymond Avenue in Poughkeepsie.
There are also lots of other perks--a plant sale early in the year so you can grow your own (but why would you would want to?), other CSA shares including meat, coffee, fruit and more.

The staff is friendly and helpful. If you have questions about what do make with an odd piece of produce, there is always someone around with recipe suggestions and recommendations.
For more information about joining or donating contact them at: (845) 516-1100 or info@farmproject.org.
If you sign up for the CSA share, tell them you saw it on HudsonValleyEats.com, they will toss in a folding shopping bag, so you'll never be without on a pick-up day!