If you think a shrub is that bush in front of your house, you’re missing out on some great drinking opportunities!
Come and find out all about shrubs and bitters on September 2nd from 3-5 PM.
Slow Food Hudson Valley is partnering with Seed Song Farm in Kingston and will be offering tastings of handcrafted shrubs and bitters along with some local cheese, charcuterie and bread.
Both shrubs and bitters date back hundreds of years and both have been making a comeback lately as a key ingredient in craft cocktails.
If you’ve never had a shrub, you’re in for a treat. It may sound strange because they’re known as drinking vinegars, but when mixed into seltzer and/or a cocktail they’re a refreshing change from sweet syrups.
They’re basically just three ingredients; vinegar, fruit and sugar which can be combined for an infinite variety of flavors.

Some of the shrubs the members of Slow Food Hudson Valley have been working on for this event include strawberry balsamic, watermelon lime, sour cherry, sun gold tomato with basil, and roasted peach.
Along with the shrubs, will be another cocktail ingredient you’ve probably wondered about--bitters.
Bitters are made from infusions of aromatic and bitter botanical ingredients and are to cocktails what salt is to food--an important balancing ingredient. They’re also supposed to be a cure for an upset stomach.

Maria Reidelbach is going to lead a demonstration on how to make your own bitters. She will have a variety of infusions of locally grown and wildcrafted ingredients, including black currant bark, sassafras, and barberry, and she’ll explain what they are and how best to use them.
If you’d like to try making your own craft cocktails or even just a seltzer, please bring any beverages that you might want to mix with these shrubs and bitters.
In addition, you can tour Seed Song Farm and buy some of their delicious freshly harvested fruits and vegetables.
Come and join us for this fun and educational event! Tickets are just $15. Click here to purchase.