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Joy of Harvest

The Hudson Valley Food Waste Challenge

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Welcome to Week Four
Prepping & Cooking

October 18 - 24th


Should you require assistance please email janet@HudsonValleyEATS or call 845-598-4760 Monday - Saturday between 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Meal Preparation versus Leftovers


Some of you might be asking, what is the difference between meal prepping and leftovers? Meal prepping is the purposeful action of preparing larger amount of food in advance to have for later meals.  Leftovers are just that, food leftover from meals you prepared but did not finish.  One is not better necessarily than the other as long as the food is eaten. Meal prep just allows for more variety in what you are eating during the week.

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Download Meal Prep Tips

Preparing Fried Rice from Leftovers


For the next two weeks we will be focusing on prepping, cooking tips and learning how to use leftovers and foods that are hanging out in your pantry and refrigerator to make delicious meals and cut down on your food waste.  We have a number of chefs who will be offering up their advice and best practices for “loving your leftovers”.


In today's video Chef Amy Tung, owner of Valley Home Dining, and her son Edward, are going to show you how to make delicious fried rice out of what you already have in your refrigerator.  Enjoy!

Making Fried Rice Out of Leftovers

Thanks to Our Sponsors

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