In the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, I’ve been kicking an idea around about all the dishes I swear I’m going to cook—recipes I’m going to try.
If you’re reading this and thinking I can’t believe she’s intimidated to make (fill in the blank), know we all have culinary roadblocks.
When I was thinking about this, I came across a piece on the Taste website, “Everyone Should Have a Winter Cooking Goal.” The author’s goal is to work on one dish until she masters it and has explored all its variations.
My goals are a little different--some of these I’d like to master, some I’d like to have become a regular part of my cooking repertoire and others are rainy day/all day projects. I’m thinking that maybe there should be one a month, but at the moment, I’m 4 short. Any suggestions?
Crêpes: One of those projects that I thought I could throw equipment at and be okay. This just needs practice and probably patience. For you crêpe makers out there, is it easier to start with regular (flour) ones before moving on to savory (buckwheat) ones?
Soupe de poisson: This is one of my favorite soups and a prelude to bouillabaisse. Making this is just a matter of deciding to do it and getting some good fish.
Whole fish: I don’t know why this has always seemed so challenging to me. Could it be one of those things like roasting meats that’s super easy but looks like you can cook? Anyone got a favorite recipe to share?
More fish: Where we are, it’s much easier to get great (farm raised) meat, than good fish, but I’m going to make finding a good source for fish and befriending a fishmonger a priority this year (and it will make #2 & 3 much easier).
Cream of mushroom soup (as good as the CIA and/or the late Campfire in GB). Like the soupe de poisson, this is more a matter of going shopping and facing the stove.
Cauliflower rice: Yes, I can be trendy, and we need to cut carbs/sugar in my house.
Grains: Freekeh, farro, oats, lentils, etc. Time to switch it up from rice and potatoes. And if I would do #8, probably faster cooking than an hour on the stove.
Use my Insta-Pot for more than yogurt and use the pressure cooker part of it. Shoot, I guess that means I have to find the instruction book and read it.
And, I’m going to start using the “good” silver!
What would go on your list?