About Becoming a Contributor
Hudson Valley EATS welcomes your contribution to our blog content. Posts can be about a restaurant you visited, a recipe you want to share, educational content on sustainability, or about great people or organizations in the food space with a story about making a difference in the community.
If you have an idea for an article, the first step is to submit the idea or article for review. You can do this by emailing janet@HudsonValleyEATS.com or a call at (845) 598-4760. Once approved, the article should be submitted following the guidelines below. We are always open to new ideas, collaborations and suggestions.

Have you been to a restaurant and want to share your experience? We will need:
4-6 high quality pictures
3-4+ sentence introduction to the restaurant
3-4 sentence description of each picture
2-4+ sentence "final words"
Restaurant contact information
We would love your original, healthy recipe to share with the community? We need: ​
The recipe
4+ sentences on why your like this recipe, good occasions to make it and any background story or other tips you would like to share
4-6 high quality pictures making the recipe
We are all about highlighting food entrepreneurs, sharing stories about healthy eating and providing information and best practices on the subject of sustainability in the Hudson Valley.
If you have something you would like to share on any of these subjects or an idea you would like to discuss, please let us know.
Please understand that Hudson Valley reserves the right to not post any article due at their own discretion Our mission is to make Hudson Valley EATS a resource that promotes people and the good things is going on in the food space, and gives everybody the opportunity to enjoy, learn and work together to create a bright sustainable future.